6644 Shut off cock for compression


Item number: A A1 HEX A2 B Tube O.D. D1 mm A3 Tube O.D. D
6644 6x8 41,5 9,0 18 10,0 26,0 8 30,5 6
6644 8x8 44,0 10,0 18 10,0 26,0 8 30,5 8
6644 8x10 46,0 10,0 18 11,0 26,0 10 30,5 8
6644 10x10 48,0 11,0 18 11,0 26,0 10 30,5 10

About the product

Shut off cock for compression.

The shut off cock is on the drawing shown as open.

Delivered with sleeve 60F and nut 194B.